On a trip to Bristol I took some photos of the window displays on show. These ones are from Urban Outfitters. It's obvious that a lot of thought has gone into these windows - everything from the black and white lines that run along the front and then onto the back wall up to the shelves with the lamps on to the variety of wooden crates, panels, frames and tables that line the back wall and give height to the floor.
The style of lamps and tables combined with the iron mannequin stands and wooden crates establishes the feeling of a kind of vintage warehouse. I could see how this display wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea but I think some of the ideas used here are very clever. Maybe a few other paint colours could have been used on the various wooden panels to compliment the clothes and brighten up the window but apart from that it's looking good!
River Island had an interesting concept. They had sketched images from giant hands and animals playing instruments to mini people posing along the bottom of the window and hot air balloons and they all had a Victorianesque look about them. Some of the mannequins had animal heads on and one had a weird knitted balaclava on! I wasn't sure about this one. I think it would have been brilliant if the theme of the clothes collection was Victorian and the mannequins didn't have any plastic animal heads on. As it was, I wasn't quite sure what message the display was trying to convey, I have to say though, it makes you look and stare...and try to work out what it all means!
This is G-Star's window - simple and effective. I like the layered images and the repetition of the male image and male mannequin and female image and female mannequin.
These are Republic's windows. They had a clever idea of creating an autumnal look by making images of leaves out of their colourful autumn/winter collection. I just think they should have made the leaves bigger because people walking past wouldn't realise what the leaves were - I only realised when I got closer. If they were larger then potential customers could view the collection of clothes and be inspired to go in the shop.
This is the other window in Republic. I think it's effective as most windows are carefully put together and this makes you look as it's a mess! But it's fun and interesting as you try and work out what has been blown over. It has a rock and roll feel especially with the smashed TVs. The VM would have had a great time putting this window in!
I have been loving the Accessorize windows lately and this one is no exception. It catches your attention by being striking, fun and colourful and then keeps your attention as you explore the detail of the products, images and props.
The merchandise takes centre stage in this Monsoon window while the ornate but subtle gold and bejewelled hanging decorations highlight the image of the model and create a lovely backdrop for the mannequins.
The rucksacks in this North Face window create an impact because they are used in a good sized quantity in a repetitive manner. If I could make one change, I would have had five rows of the rucksacks instead of three and would have placed a mannequin in between the rows with their back turned to the window and a rucksack/bag on their back.